Melda Syovina, Dessy Kurnia Sari, Dessy Kurnia Sari


This study aims to examine the effect of family business image promotion on social media engagement with brand authenticity and consumer-company identification as mediating variable. This research uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The sample of this study was Facebook and Instagram social media users who were conditioned to visit social media from Soraya Bedsheet before filling out questionnaire. The result of this study indicate that family business image promotion conducted online on Soraya Bedsheet brand can influences the formation of brand authenticity, brand authenticity influences the formation of consumer-company identification, ultimately consumer-company identification influences social media users to do social media engagement with Soraya Bedsheet brand. The result also indicate that family business image promotion conducted online on Soraya Bedsheet brand can’t influences social social media users to do social media engagement without mediation by brand authenticity and consumer-company identification.

Keywords: Family business image promotion, brand authenticity, consumer-company identification, social media engagement.

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