Sapto Hadi Imambachri, Zaki Zainal Arifin


This research aims to analyze the influence of individual character and creativity on entrepreneurial interests in D-III Secretary students at Pamulang University. This research, which uses a quantitative approach, was carried out using a questionnaire of 100 respondents taken from regular A students who study in the morning. These regular B students carry out their lectures in the afternoon and Regular C students who study on Saturdays. This study uses simple random sampling and Linkert scale data collection techniques. Population In this study were students of Prodi D- III Secretary at Pamulang University consisting of students from semester one to semester six with a total number of students ranging from 1000 students. Expectations of research results obtained from statistical calculations using Statistical Parametric, namely Multiple regression, are to find out how much the relationship between the three variables. By knowing the elements that have a close relationship with entrepreneurial interests, it will be advantageous for lecturers to better understand in conducting teaching in class, especially regarding entrepreneurship and also be able to know better how much interest in entrepreneurship and how to foster entrepreneurial interest among D-III Secretariat students.


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