Eko Putra


Students with high loyalty are the assets of Higher Education because they will provide positive recommendations and encourage friends, relatives and other communities to make choices and use the education services they have experienced. The purpose of this research is (1) To know how influence of trust toward student loyalty in STIE Pasaman, (2) to know how influence of satisfaction to student loyalty in STIE Pasaman, (3) To know how the influence of trust and satisfaction on student loyalty in STIE Pasaman. Sampling is used Probability Sampling by using slovin formula, where the sample amount is 85 people. The result of multiple linear regression analysis can be interpreted that the variable of trust, and satisfaction have positive and significant effect on loyalty because it has significant value less than α = 0,05. Based on the joint influence between the trust, and satisfaction on the loyalty of STIE Pasaman students is 59.3% (R2 = 0.610). Means 39% influenced by other variables not included in this study.

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