Muhammad Rizki Maulida, Karyaningsih Karyaningsih


The development of the automotive sector industry is the focus of the company, which not only pursues the target market and consumer needs, but also continues to strive for customer satisfaction by providing quality and quantity according to standards. To achieve the company's goals, good compensation is needed, which is based on employee loyalty. The purpose of this study was to determine, analyze, and explain the effect of Compensation and Work Environment on Employee Loyalty at PT. Mandiri Syafinah Intisesama. This research was conducted using descriptive and verification methods, the samples in this study were employees of PT. Mandiri Syafinah Intisesama, which is at the production operator level, consists of 171 employees using a random sampling technique. The data was collected by distributing questionnaires (questionnaire) and observation, data analysis was carried out using scale range analysis, path analysis, and correlation analysis. The results of the study at a significance level of 5%  found that, Compensation had no effect and was not significant on employee loyalty at PT. Mandiri Syafinah Intisesama, Work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee loyalty at PT. Mandiri Syafinah Intisesama and Compensation and working environment together have a positive and significant effect on employee loyalty at PT. Mandiri Syafinah Intisesama. The results of the coefficient of determination in this study indicate that compensation and work environment on employee loyalty are 48.8% while the remaining 51.2% is influenced by other variables which are not examined in this study.


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