The amount contribution of off-fishing business to total income of small-scale fishermen households is varies, it depends on the income of fishermen from catching fish in the sea (fishing), the greater income of fishermen from fishing in the sea, then the contribution of off-fishing become lower. Contribution of off-fishing for laborer households of fishermen larger than the owner, from statistical test turns out that off-fishing effort contribution on laborer households of fishermen is very different from the owners at 99% confidence level.
When used fishing household data, the average hours of work on the effectiveness of small-scale fishermen households for economic effort was 286.78 hours per month (59.74%) and the remaining potential of free time for 193.22 hours per month (40.26%). If the potential of the remaining time used for the development of off-fishing, there is a hope to increase production from 40.26/59.74 (67.39%) of the production that has been done and when added with fishermen spare time out of fishing, the predictions can be even greater, though it could be two times greater than the income of fishermen.
Key words : Off-fishing, Free time at households, and The off-fishing development potential
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31846/jae.v2i1.53
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