Yusnita Ulfah Munthe, Nurbaiti Nurbaiti, Wahyu Syarvina


This article aims to observe the influence of product design and integrated marketing communication on customer buying interest in general insurance product at PT. Askrida Syariah Insurance Medan Branch. This studi utilized a quantitative way to deal with the concept of causality research. The process of collecting data by distributing research questionnaires via Google forms using a Likert scale. Information examination and testing in this study used a statistical tool, namely SPSSv26. The tests utilized in this study are Validity and Reliability tests, Classic Assumption tests, Multiple Linear Regression Analyssis, Significance tests, and Determinant Coefficient (R2) tests. In this study, the sample drawn using a simple random sampledrawn from population. The populace in this study is the client of PT. Askrida Syariah Insurance Medan Branch, aading up to 1011. Because the population in this study was very large, exceeding 1000, the researchers finally drew a sample utilizing the Slovin equation. In this manner the example got is 91 people. That’s what the outcome showed that the R Square coefficient was 45,9%, it very well may be reasoned that the influence of the magnitude of the Product Design variable (X1) and the Integrated Marketing Communication Variable (X2) on Customer Purchase Interest (Y) is equal to 0,459 (45,9%).


Keywords: Product Design, Integrated Marketing Communication and Customer Buying Interest

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