Wasiman Wasiman


The purpose of this study was to determine the Influence of Organizational Culture and Rewards System, on the Performance of Hotel Employees in Batam City with Organizational Commitment as Intervening Variables. Respondents used in this study were employees of four-star hotels in Batam City with a total of 205 respondents. The method used in this research is observation, field, data collection by distributing questionnaires to employees of four-star hotels in Batam city. Data analysis uses multiple linear data analysis using SEM Amos program. Validi test results for organizational culture variables with seven indicators are valid. Results Test the validity of the reward system with six indicators declared valid. The results of the validity of organizational commitment test with three indicators are declared valid. The results of the employee performance validity test with five indicators are declared valid, declared valid because the results of the data processing are above 0.60. The results of the study conclude that (1). Organizational culture influences employee performance, the better the organizational culture turns out to be able to have a large impact on improving employee performance. (2). Organizational culture influences organizational commitment, the better the organizational culture, the stronger the organizational commitment of employees. (3) The reward system influences organizational commitment, the better the Rewards System, the stronger the organizational commitment of employees. (4). Rewards system influences employee performance. The better the reward system increases employee performance (5) Organizational commitment affects employee performance, the better organizational commitment, the better employee performance

Keywords: Organizational Culture, Rewards System, and Organizational Commitment
Employee performance


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